Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Homeward Bound

It is getting closer and closer to the time I am supposed to leave and I am getting more and more excited. Not only because I will be home for Father's day and my anniversary, or because I will get to play hide and go seek with my son or Halo2 with my wife, but because I GET TO LEAVE THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLACE AND ALL OF THE IDIOTS OVER HERE! My only regret is that I have to leave some of my guys to augment the team that came in to replace us. Some of them wanted to stay,but some of them REALLY didn't. Sorry guys.

As my fourth tour in this region comes to a close I feel very blessed and fortunate to have spent twenty six months here and never been shot at (unless you count SCUDs) and to have never seen many of the horrible things that too many of my brothers in arms have. I have never seen a personal friend die in combat. I have never seen children or women die in combat zones. I have never had to take the life of my enemy. I am thankful for all of that and so much more.

I realize that many of the guys that are truly forward and have seen and experienced all of the things I mentioned above still look at guys like me with disdain and to a point I can understand that, but let me just say that we do not choose our assignments. At least I did not, and I would have gone forward and executed to the best of my ability and done my best to serve my country to the extent that it needed me to. As I said before I feel very fortunate for the assignments I received. I hold the highest respect for those Soldiers, Marines, Airmen and Navy Personnel that went forward into the truly horrible areas of this war and fought valiantly to sustain our way of life and take liberty to those less fortunate.

To the Mothers, Fathers, Husbands, Wives, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters and Friends who have lost loved ones in this war I am honored to serve in the same military force as the loved ones you've lost and could never hope to thank you or them enough for the sacrifices you and they have made, but I hope my simple thank you brings a momentary smile and a fond memory.

Thank You.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your service. I'm glad you're coming home safely to your family. Please thank them as well for their sacrifice.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As I have read your experiences through two tours through these webpages, I want you to know that I didn't for the entertainment factor (So to speak), I have the UTTER MOST RESPECT for you, all your men, all of the Coalition Forces, and all their families, and the sacrifices made. I wanted to be able to read and try to feel what you guys were, what you guys were thinking, worrying, enjoying. I hope you received the package my family sent to you. I wish I could have done more for you guys. Enjoy Father's Day as I will be enjoying one with my new child, my first Son. Thank you, Thank your Men, for a job WELL done, for being The AMERICAN you all define, for showing just how much "Love" and "Family" we do have as Americans, and above all... Staying Safe.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So many blogs and only 10 numbers to rate them. I'll have to give you a 7 because you have good content but lack of quality posts.

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3:31 AM  

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