Happy Birthday to Me!!!
After spending the majority of our day away from our new private home we were finally returning "home" at around 2:30 pm and as usual I was one of the last ones to get back. As I was walking up to our door a Navy Chief Petty Officer came walking out of our bay with the all too familiar form that assigns you to quarters in his hand. Yup he had eleven new guys that were being assigned to our bay. I told him our situation with needing a bay that we could secure for our upcoming missions, and he was very understanding. I went up to housing to plead my case and had very little success. Apparently there have been too many soldiers coming in lately to furnish us with our own bay. I think this is gonna be a trend so we are leaning towards accepting our little storage areas to live in instead of keeping the bay. We didn't even get to enjoy our privacy for two full days. Oh well.
Of course all this just had to happen on my birthday. Yes that's right I'm another year older. I hit the big three ohh. I sure feel older than that though. I don't put much stock in birthdays so it wasn't really a big deal not being home for it, but I would still have liked to have been home just to be home, you know? I managed to pull the right strings to get my guys the rest of the week off though, since we have been working so hard and such long hours. That almost makes everything else worth it. It really lifted spirits when I told them they didn't have to be at work until next Saturday.
Got to play in my company's team football game for my birthday, and that is always a treat to. I am a football fanatic, and I'm pretty good to even if I do say so myself. My performance last night in our 22 to 6 victory should be sufficient evidence to support that. Three catches, two interceptions and five tackles. Yeah this old man even plays both ways! I've been downgraded to a tight end from wide receiver as I have gotten fatter and slower with age, but the hands are still there baby, and I make one mean middle line backer since I am really good at reading alignments and routes.
Any way I am going to go enjoy some well deserved time off (while it lasts) and maybe take a nap.